Wednesday 23 July 2014

Around the World in Quiz Shows #2 - Millionaire Hot Seat (Australia)

Millionaire Hot Seat (Australia)

Millionaire Hot Seat is the second show in the series I am currently putting together for the Blog looking at various quiz shows around the world. Currently on air Down Under is Millionaire Hot Seat, a variation on the obvious....

The game involves a circle of players with one in the Hot Seat. They are not working together and instead are playing for a solo win. The first player sits in the seat and the game beings with the usual range of "gimmie" questions for easy money.

When the first player hits a question they don't know on Millionaire Hot Seat they can pass and in comes the next player in the circle. They cannot pass on the question the previous player passed on and thus must have a guess. Any incorrect answer and that player is eliminated! As the correct answers keep coming the money keeps building. Traditional WWTBAM money scoring starting out at £100 and ending up 15 questions later with $250,000.

The pace is fast and the questions are against a timer so there is little time to breath after the initial chats when the new contestants emerge. One thing I am learning though is that Australian TV is insane in terms of advert breaks so if you are following these series on You Tube be prepared for Aussie ads! I did try and find edited versions for the links but gave up!

So who wins this came of Millionaire musical chairs? Whoever is in the hotseat and gives the final correct answer of the show. 

My general opinion is that Millionaire Hot Seat is a fun show putting a new twist on an tried and tested theme. In the episodes I have seen there is a tactical element as people pass in the hope of coming back in the seat later when the money is bigger. It gives every episode a different feel and every game a different path. The questions soon get harder as the big money comes so there is plenty to get stuck in and I must admit to enjoying Millionaire Hot Seat very much indeed!

Another big money game show in Australian. With Million Dollar Minute reviewed last week and Millionaire Hot Seat this week, it seems Australian quizzers have plenty of big money shows to aim for!

Any thoughts on Millionaire Hot Seat?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel. My name is Alan, I am an Assistant Producer with the Channel 4 quiz show Fifteen to One. We are currently on the hunt for quizzers who may be interested in appearing on the show. I notice in the past you have attended the York Quiz League event and I was hoping to have a quick chat about it and I would be incredibly grateful if you were able to drop me a contact number I could reach you on. My email is . Many thanks, Alan
