Monday 28 November 2011

The next generation........

It never fails to worry me, that every time I got to a pub quiz, despite being 26 years old this week, that I am by far the youngest there! And not just narrowly, its sometimes are to see anyone under 40 at a pub quiz. This obviously draws my concern about the pub quizzes of my future. Will they wither away? Where will the audience come from? How can the quiz scene attract the younger folk? Is the pub quiz something that generally people tend to migrate towards in latter life? All questions I have been thinking about.

With all the other distractions and ways to entertain, the pub quiz is never ever going to appeal to some. But I do feel there is a generation of younger quizzers my age who do not attend pub quizzes for a series of reasons that are avoidable. Namely people who would attend quizzes but feel put off in some way. From talking to people in my area here are some reasons I have encountered. Id be interested to know your thoughts.

1) Pub Quizzes are Unwelcoming

I have found this first hand sadly. Similar to social clubs and working mens clubs, there is a very much exclusive feel to proceedings. Sit in the wrong seat and you feel the wrath of eyes, win the quiz and you are the enemy (and as I have mentioned some others say, even face being barred!) or even worse take a jackpot regulars have been paying into for weeks. I have been to several quizzes where the quizmaster simply doesnt even offer me a sheet and I have to ask, he should be asking me if I am joining. Also new teams are given very little friendly chat, whilst the regulars tour each others tables saying hellos you get ignored. In my area and every quiz I have been too it takes some time to become a regular and this is time people wont put up with.

Hence quizzes get the impression that they are, sorry for any offensive caused, only for the elderly folk, that they dont welcome outsiders and that they are unfriendly places.

2) Poorly advertised quizzes!

Quizzes need to be better advertised to attract the young into new venues. Half the quiz nights I know are word of mouth and very rarely advertised unless you dig deep and look. Quizzes need to be advertised on social network sites, pubs need bigger banners, make the prizes appealing, even have offers on the drinks.....youngster on a budget will drink in the worst places imaginable so why not make drink offers to get more people in.

If a quiz isnt advertised you will never get new players and especially younger ones who are more likely to miss out on the "word of mouth".....

To be continued....

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